
To help break up the trip to Detroit we stopped at Impressions 5 in Lansing.  We've been here several times because it's free with our ATSC membership.  The kids always love playing here.

We arrived at the airport with enough time to play at their play area and then a direct flight to Denver.

The kids were awesome travelers which was great because I was flying solo with them.
 I had Caiden do school work on the plane.
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Denver's airport was awesome!
We took the A line from the airport to Union Station
We stopped and had lemonade and pretzels at Union Station.


Mike was in conferences all day with the rental car so the kids and I hoped on the E train and then the 40 bus and spent the day at Denver's Science Center free with our ATSC membership. 

In the morning we went to the Denver Botanical Gardens.  We were only able to get 2 of us in for free with our Fredrik Meijer Gardens reciprocal pass.  

In the afternoon we went to the Denver Art Museum.  Man were we impressed!  Such an awesome museum for families.

The kids wanted to go back to show Mike their favorite things at the science museum.  We stopped for lunch for some amazing Korean food then headed into the Rocky Mountain National Park.
Caiden loved the water area
Mike had eaten at this Restaurant when he was in Colorado with my dad earlier this year. 
Picking up Jr. Ranger books 
Mule deer right out side the ranger station

These Elk were the first thing we saw when we got out of the car.
Our little cabin in the woods.

Before the morning hike we decided to get some winter gear.  We checked out the river walk while we waited for the hardware store to open. Our monring hike was about a 1.5 miles out to a water fall.
 Estes River Walk
Morning Hike

Afternoon hike 



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