Thanksgiving week

Monday- Westin and Maddy stayed with my parents so it was just me and Caiden for part of the week.  I was the parent helper in Caiden's class this week.  It's always fun to see what he's learning and who he's playing with.
Reciting a poem in Spanish class
 learning about sound vibrations in science
 story time in math
 hands on math games
Jam session with dad
Tuesday - from 10:00-12:00 Caiden and I volunteered in our church's food pantry.  He was a great worker and we talked a lot about how God wants us to care for others. We then went to the public museum and watched a planetarium show, checked out the new charlie brown exhibit, and enjoyed science Tuesday activites. 
 Food pantry 
 Science Tuesdays
 Science Tuesday at the Public Museum
This month's theme was the ocean
 Charlie Brown

 game time with our neighbor
We also finished caiden's custom for his christmas play
Wednesday- We did read, did math, and made a colonial horse and carriage model.  We then met some friends at the movies to see Moanna.

Thanksgiving in Midland- After Mike got out of work we spent Wednesday night - Sunday afternoon in Midland.  We played a lot of games like Set, Skipbo, and Jenga.  We also did some drawing and read each night. The kids also spent some time at our hunting cabin and in the tree blinds with Mike and my dad.


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