Week 25
Monday- The big kids had HsAP and Westin and I went to playgroup. The Grandville robotics club had an open house in the evening which we attended.
Tuesday - My Aunt and Uncle were watching their granddaughter who is Maddy's age and wanted to meet us at the Lansing zoo. We had a lot of fun spending the day together.
Wednesday- With our big trip to Philly coming up Caiden has 22 junior ranger pages and Maddy has 18 to complete before Friday. We plan to get 4 badges while in Philly. We started on the packets on the weekend but we have a lot to do so today we are only doing reading and math and the rest of the day we will focus on our junior ranger packet. Caiden also has to finish his AWANA book. So he will also be memorizing about 10 bible verses today.
Lots of table work today
the four junior ranger packets the kids are working on
Awana game time
Thursday - We finished our Junior Ranger packets today and did math and reading. The kids did Gymnastics and Maddy had piano. The rest of the day was spent packing for our big trip!
Friday- We hit the road today before 8:00am and drove straight through to Toledo. We stopped for about 2 hours and played at the Imagination Station. We've stopped here before and the kids love it!
The big kids also did math in the car. We stayed the night with my cousin in Cleveland. We spent the evening catching up and playing games.
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