week 9

The first Sunday of November is one of our favorite Sundays of the year.  After church the downtown library has a Dia De Los Meurtos celebration that is just awesome!  They have free food, music, face painting, crafts, and alters for the kids to enjoy.  It's a great cultural experience.  In the evening the kids had Awana.
Dia De los Muertos fun at the library 
Sugar skulls
Authentic Mexican Food
Westin is learning about the letter I this week in preschool.  So we talked about how I is for Ice Cream.  We read a book together about Ice bears which was really good.  He worked on writing today and did his counting.  Maddy and Caiden are beginning a unit on World War 1 in history.  They seem very eager for their history lessons. After a really good morning of school Caiden had Art school and the little kids came home and played while I preped dinner and went for a run on the treadmill. After art we enjoyed some time playing at the Linford's house then Maddy had sewing lessons and I took the boys grocery shopping. We played at the Richard house for a few quite minutes then it was a wonderful evening at home.  Caiden Mike and I played ticket to rid while Maddy and Westin played.
I is for ice cream
Spelling tiles 
World War 1 lesson
The kids went to Spanish today and I enjoyed a quite morning at home and voting without any kids with me.  After Spanish we went to the UICA with 2 other families.  It's free this month with our public museum pass. The kids really liked the create studio and the rock sculptures.  Then we came home.  We watched Wonder Woman as we are studying World Ware one in history.  After dinner Caiden worked on his lego robotic with Mike.
Westin's Spanish preschool
UICA create studio
UICA rock exhibit
Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts fun with friends  

Tuesday history movie
Lego Robotics
The big kids had Camp Roger today.  I took Westin to playgroup then to the children's museum.  For lunch I took him to his favorite restaurant, Bagger Daves.  He loves the train themed restaurant.  When the big kids got home we all watched Coco together.  The kids had been wanting to watch it since celebrating Dia De Los Muertos on Sunday.  Our friends gave Maddy Orbies as an early birthday present so the kids played with that alot.  Caiden also got some books on the fountain of youth and he spent the evening taking notes and reading.  He thinks he can locate the fountain of youth if he gets enough information.
 Lunch date with my favorite 4 year old
Caiden trying to find clues on the location of the fountain of youth


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