July Summer learning
Monday July 1st
Today we worked on making the colossus or Rhodes. We also practiced multiplication facts, did 20 minutes of reading, and worked on geography. We enjoyed a nice day at home.
Colossus of Rhodes
Summer Learning projects
Tuesday July 2nd
Today we ran to the store to get supplies for our 7 wonders of the ancient world project. We are currently working on the lighthouse at Alexandria. We also stopped by Goodwill and picked up some new games. We're re watching Liberty Kids in preparation for the 4th of July so this board game seemed to fit our Independence day theme. We played it and had fun but it was super right winged so I'm not sure we will be playing it again. The kids did their math reviews and 20 minutes of reading in the afternoon. After dinner we went to book and ice cream.
Pharos lighthouse at Alexandria
New game from Goodwill
Book and Ice Cream
Wednesday July 3rd
We went to the Kroc Center in the morning with the Douglass girls. We enjoyed the swimming and the rock wall. Then we came home for 20 minutes of reading and down time. Then we went to Chuckie Chesse in the evening for Westin's 5th birthday.
Kroc Center
Kroc Center
Westin's birthday party
Westin's birthday party
Westin's birthday party
Westin's birthday party
Thursday July 4th
We drove 2 hours north to my brothers cabin. We enjoyed time at the beach, fire works, and games. Happy Independence day!
Saturday July 6th
We enjoyed another day of swimming and games. Today the kids enjoyed a game of wiffle ball on the beach.
Sunday July 7th
Nothing of note happened today. We drove home and unpacked from a great time with family.
Monday July 8th
Westin and I dropped the kids off at summer camp today. Then we went to the Fredrick Meijer Gardens for music time. Westin enjoyed playing different instruments and singing along to the music. Then we went to The Score for lunch. It was his birthday today so he got free ice cream with his meal.
Fredrick Meijer Gardens music time.
Lunch at The Score.
Tuesday July 9th
Westin and I went to story time at the Wyoming library. Then we went to Chick-fil-a for a free lunch with friends. It was cow appreciation day. Then we went to Richmond Park for swimming. We had dinner with Mike then went to book and ice cream.
Story Time
Cow appreciation day
Richmond Park
Wednesday July 10
Friday July 12
Saturday July 13
Sunday July 14
Monday July 15
Tuesday July 16
Wednesday July 17
Thursday July 18
Friday July 19
Saturday July 20th
Sunday July 21
Monday July 22nd
Tuesday July 23
Wednesday July 24th
Friday July 26th
Sunday July 14
Monday July 15
Tuesday July 16
Wednesday July 17
Thursday July 18
Friday July 19
Saturday July 20th
Sunday July 21
Monday July 22nd
Tuesday July 23
Wednesday July 24th
Oriel Park with friends
Thursday July 25thFriday July 26th
Maddy working on her craft fair project
Saturday July 27th
Blueberry picking
Sunday July 28th
Fresh berries that we picked
Monday July 30th
Band instrument fitting
Tuesday July 31st
Kids craft fair at the library
Enjoying nature with friends at Oriel Park
Book and Ice Cream
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