Testing and Track and Field week
Caiden and Maddy took the Iowa Basics standardized test today. It's the first standardized test they've ever taken. While they were testing Westin and I went to the wealthy street bakery and then we went to play group. The kids were pretty tiered after testing all day so we took it easy.
Wealthy Street Bakery
Caiden and Maddy had a half day of testing then we went to the Fredrick Meijer Gardens with friends.
All 3 kids took part in the Holland Track and Field homeschool day. It was really well done. It was on Hope College campus. The kids all got ribbons. After the track and field day was done we went to the beach.
We've been getting ready for our big trip to Washington D.C. Today we made planet cookies to eat when were visit the air and space museum. We talked about the features of the different planets.
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