First week of school! Caiden 4th grade, Maddy 3rd grade, Westin preschool

     We try to make the first day of school special in our house.  Since we school year round it sometimes makes it hard for the kids to tell when a new year is starting.  To kick off the day we did a scavenger hunt and the kids got a new toy at the end.  Then I let them pick a special restaurant to go to for breakfast.  They choose IHOP.  We eat all our meals out at their favorite restaurants on the first day of school.  They think it's part of the first day of school celebration but it's more for me than for them.  Cooking is not my favorite.
      After breakfast we jumped right into our day.  We do a scaled back version of school the first week that looks a lot like our summer learning program to help us ease back into the rhythm of school year learning.  This week the big kids did Math, Handwriting, Reading, and History.
     Westin worked on his preschool basket.  Each day he has a sensory bin which contains his letter for the day, a math activity, a puzzle, and a writing activity.  This week we are learning the letter A. He is loving it and I am having fun working with him.
    With the scaled back version of school work their was plenty of time for unstructured play and their pbl classes.  It's our tradition to go to Wedgewood park on the first day of school and eat pizza and feed the ducks.  After lunch Caiden had his art school class. Maddy, Westin, and I went back to the park to play while he was in class.  When he was done we came home for naps and quite play for the big kids.  Then Maddy had her sewing class.  The boys and I played at the library while she was in class.  We went to the park with her friends from sewing class when it was finished then picked up Caiden's Lego Robotics kit and met Mike for dinner at Arnies.  We came home and played a game of settlers.  It was a day full of learning, friends, fun, and family.
First day of school scavenger hunt
Finding their prizes at the end of the scavenger hunt
Breakfast at IHOP
Breakfast at IHOP
Math manipulatives 
Reading time 
Playing with clay
History lessons
working hard on puzzles 
So proud of finishing his puzzle 
Play dough play 
Playing with his letter for the day 
Sensory bin with the letter of the day
working on numbers
Practicing his writing 
Lego break for them, tea break for me.
Pizza in the park
Feeding the ducks over lunch

Caiden's art school
Maddy, Westin, and I playing at the park while Caiden was at class

Maddy's sewing class
The boys and I played at the library while Maddy was at sewing
Playing with friends after sewing

Caiden's lego robotic mindstorm project
lego builds from the day 
Settlers night with Mike after dinner at Arnies

    Today all 3 kids were gone for 3 hours.  I went to Target, premade 3 dinners, set up accounts for the new Hamilton website,  and updated our budget.  It was nice to have a chunck of time to tackle those projects.  The spanish program is fantastic.  The big kids are doing 3 rotations.  Art, Music, and culture/geogrophy of spanish countries all taught to them in spanish.  They had a lot of fun.  Westin's class is more play based which is perfect.  After classes the kids can eat lunch together, which they really enjoyed.
     Their class is with in walking distance to the fish ladder.  So after lunch we went and watched the fish jump.  It was great, the kids loved it.  It was a hot day so we went to Burger King after to get slushies.  When we came home we watched Newsies to go along with our Gildad age study.  Maddy spent the evening reading and Caiden went to his Code Red robotics class with Mike.

First lingual Learners class of the year

How I spent my 3 hours with out kids
I precooked some meals 

lunch with friends after class
hanging out with friends at the fish ladder after class

slushies after the fish ladder 
After we came home we watched Newsies
Reading time
Caiden's robotic group
The big kids had Camp Roger today so it was just Westin and I.  We went to a play group and then to the Children's Museum. After the kids got back from a day hiking and learning they were tired.  So we watched the Adventures of Huckle Berry Finn.  We've been reading the Adventures of Tom Sawyer which they like but I have to stop it frequently and explain what is happening.  It's not an easy read for them.  So as much as I'd like to read the series I think they are a little young still.  They are learning so many vocabulary words for Mark Twain's writing.  The kids worked on Awana and Caiden jumped into his new lego robotics kit tonight.

Playing at the children's museum
working on Awana
Westin practicing his name
Caiden working on his lego robotics

Today the kids got their school done in the morning.  We then made playgough and had friends over in the afternoon.  Maddy had her first dance class.  She really enjoyed it.  Then we came home for dinner and I took the big kids to soccer practice.
Maddy working on Spanish Westing working on writing
Weekly craft and book project
daily puzzle 
concepts of big and small
counting practice 
Making playdough
Hanging out with friends
Maddy's first Hip Hop class
Soccer practice 
We did school in the morning then had lunch.  Maddy went with the Douglas family to horse lessons and I took the boys to the homeschool skate party.  It was a lot of fun.  They even offer lessons, which Westin enjoyed.  After skating we went to the library to pick up some books and play.  In the evening Mike and Caiden worked on his lego mindstorm robotics program.
Ice sensory bin with dinosaurs 
Alphabet sticker book 
daily puzzle
working on numbers
Weekly history poster
Free homeschool skate party 
library trip



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