Savannah / Hilton Head


Friday - We left after Mike got out of work.  We ended up leaving around 4:30.  We ate a packed dinner in the car and stopped one time for gas and bathrooms.  We drove 6 hours and just crashed when we got to the hotel just north of Lexington, Kentucky. 

Saturday-  In the morning Caiden had his battle of the books competition.  The competition started at 9:00 and lasted until close to 12:00.  He did really well.  They ended up in 5th place out of 25 teams.  We drove straight to Savannah and in the 8 and 1/2 hours we only stopped twice for gas.  We stayed at the Hampton by Hilton in the historic district.  We settled in to our room and went right to sleep.  We are listening to a time share talk tomorrow so the hotel room is basically free.  We have to pay for parking and taxes.  We also get a $125 gift card to help compensate for the fees. 

 Sunday - Mike and I spent the morning at the time share presentation. When we got out we hit the town.  It was a little chilly so we started at the art museum.  Then we walked to Chippewa Square.  They filmed the opening scene of Forrest Gump there and we are all Forrest Gump lovers. We then walked to River Street.  We took the kids to River Street Sweets to get candy and sat down by the river and enjoyed our treats while we watched the boats go by.  We walked back through Market street and enjoyed seeing all the horse and carriages.  Savannah is such a lovely city.  When we got back to the hotel room we made dinner and then played a game of Monopoly in the lobby. 

Savannah Art Museum 

Forrest Gump park 

Candy store 

river street

horse and carriage 

Palm trees in the city 

Monopoly in the hotel lobby

Monday -








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