week 21

 Monday - Today was the kids day off of school. We were all a little slow moving after a week of vacation. I went grocery shopping and did lots of laundry.  The kids had their ODC nature class today.  The met at the Van Raatle Farm this week for their sugar bush.  The kids had a lot of fun and I walked around with them after their class was over. 

Nature school location today

the kids learned about maple syrup today

Nature lover
Tuesday - Today was our first day back after vacation and we took it slow.  We had no where to go today so the kids were able to take their time with school.  The boys worked on making unspeakable clay models today.  Caiden and Maddy are working on creating blog posts on our recent vacation.  Maddy really likes this writing assignment.  She is having fun designing her page. We are talking about Scotland in History this week.  Today we talked about Hadrian's wall and the kingdom of Alba.  The kids stayed in pajamas all day. 
Maddy working on her writing assignment 

clay projects

clay projects

Wednesday - Today was St. Patrick's Day.  The kids had gift cards from church for free donuts.  They enjoyed going out for breakfast today. When we got home we talked about McBeth and the stone of destiny.

St. Patrick's day donuts for breakfast

Westin's St. Patrick Day read a louds

Racing to the stone of destiny 

Thursday - Today was a full day.  We organized the kid's Junior Ranger badges, we took a trip to once upon a child to get new shoes and boots, I got the kids caught up on their Hamilton projects, and we did a full days work of school. 

Our new coffee mug

we washed and add our new junior ranger badges

we went shopping and got new shoes for everyone

school work

I got the kids caught up on their Hamilton work.

Friday - We did YouTube school and worked really hard to clean the house because my cousin and his son were coming to stay the night with us.  Our kids love their kids so the kids rushed to get their school work done so they could get the house ready for our guests.

The kids were excited to have Beckit come stay with us

Saturday - The kids enjoyed the morning with our family then enjoyed the rest of the day playing with neighbors in our back yard.
It was such a beautiful day

building with Beckit 


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