week 1

Tuesday's highlights- First day of school!  In social studies we are looking at the world around me all year long.  Each Tuesday the kids will fish for sight words.  For bible today we looked at the 7 days of creation.  In science we looked at the planets.  We will also played a rhyming word game each Tuesday as well.  On breaks we rode bikes, played legos, went to the park and fed the ducks, and went on a hike. Also a note on organization.  I turned half of the coat closet into our home school center.  Caiden has a work box each day.  He has to do all the work in his box each day.  I store the weekly school on the top shelves.
Wednesday's Highlights-We continued our study of the planets.  Worked on sight words and letter blends. We went to the library and studied Chuhully, our artist this month.  We also met a family at the park today we exchanged numbers and hope to meet them again.


Thursday's highlights- We worked on bean bag toss site words, made planet hats, and our science experiment for the week was showing how clouds work. We also went to the downtown YMCA for Maddy's sport sampler class with her friend Eliza Peerbom.  Caiden and I did school work in the chapel and then ran a mile while she was in class and Westin was in child watch.  We spent the afternoon listening to book on tape.

Friday's highlights-  Worked on putting planet cards in order did school at the library and swat the fly site words.


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