Week 15

Monday's highlights- First day back after break.  Caiden didn't have home school group today but Maddy went back to school so we did a little work at home with Caiden today.  Easing back into things with a light work load, book on tape, and a trip to pet smart just for fun.

Tuesday's highlights- We talked about Lazerith in our bible lesson today, worked on memorizing the names and locations of the continents, worked poolside while Maddy swam, and worked on the rain forest biome.

Wednesday's highlights- Went to the library and had lunch with friends.  Continued our study on the continents. 

Thursday's highlights- We started our first Res life homeschool group today.  From 9:20-11:20 each Thursday Caiden can pick a 1st hour and a 2nd hour class.  Each session cost $5 and last 6 weeks with a celebration week at the end. This classes he choose for this session were show and tell and shark class.  Maddy could take classes or go to the nursery.  She choose nursery because 2 of her friends are there.  Westin also goes to nursery for free while I attend a women's worship service.  After res group we came home and made crystal snowflakes, finished math and english, and watched a BBC documentary on the Rainforest.

Friday's highlights- We survived our first week back after christmas break.  Caiden was a little tiered so we listed to book on tape in the afternoon.  We also finished his rainforest biome today.  Here's an update on how his Avatar looks.



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