week 2
Monday's highlights- Caiden had his first day of school and the Homeschool building. From 8:30-3:00 he'll be taking 7 classes. There are 21 kids in his class and about 100 kids in the 1st -8th grade program.

Tuesday's highlights- Once a month Caiden will be attending an outdoor education program and Camp Roger. We all went to Fredrik Meijer Gardens after Caiden finished camp then Mike met up with us after work.
Wednesday's highlights- We went to the library, had lunch with friends, read lots of books, and took a tour of city hall to help us understand our my town unit.

Thursday's highlights- We worked on constructing our own city and for our science experiment we put Ivory soap in the microwave. Maddy did a football unit in her sports class at the Y and Caiden and I did school and ran a mile together. I took the kids to McDonalds after the y. Then we met some friends at the public museum. It was PBS kids day.

Friday's highlights- We found local land marks on a map of Wyoming. We finish constructing our own city. Worked on word blends then played at the Children's museum.

Tuesday's highlights- Once a month Caiden will be attending an outdoor education program and Camp Roger. We all went to Fredrik Meijer Gardens after Caiden finished camp then Mike met up with us after work.

Thursday's highlights- We worked on constructing our own city and for our science experiment we put Ivory soap in the microwave. Maddy did a football unit in her sports class at the Y and Caiden and I did school and ran a mile together. I took the kids to McDonalds after the y. Then we met some friends at the public museum. It was PBS kids day.

Friday's highlights- We found local land marks on a map of Wyoming. We finish constructing our own city. Worked on word blends then played at the Children's museum.

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