Week 17

Tuesdays highlights- Maddy had swim lessons and Caiden and I ran our mile.  Our bible lesson was on the Beatitudes.  We also took a field trip to Lake Michigan to see what the lake was like in the winter time. The kids are also fascinated with origami these days and love playing with number catchers during breaks.

Wednesday highlights- Super great day with Caiden.  Westin went to the YMCA for a mom's morning out and Caiden and I went to Pietro's for a field trip with his Res life group.  The kids got to tour the kitchen and make their own pizza.  Caiden was excited to see his friend Aden was there too.  We had a little time to kill before Westin's child care time was up so we did some school work at Starbucks.
Thursdays highlights- Caiden brought his christmas legos in for show and tell at Res life.  We learned how things can dissolve in water for our weekly science project.

Fridays highlights- We worked on Caiden's mountain biome project and took a field trip. Our children's museum membership got us into Gymco's open gym play time so we enjoyed and hour of play for free.  Also of note today was the first day I let Caiden do school work in his pajamas.
Weekend learning- This weekend I took the kids to see the Grand Rapids symphony team up with the Grand Rapids Ballet company for a lollipop concert. They loved it.


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