Week 19

Tuesday highlights-  Welcome to Valentine's day week at our homeschool.   Tuesday is bible day so we played a bible game based on 1 Corinthians. Caiden finished his last biome last week so we are reviewing all the biomes this week.  He made a video and talked about the main features of each biome.

Wednesday highlights- Our friends that we always meet up with for lunch on Wednesday were sick so we went to East Grand Rapids for story time.  We love the children's play section at East. We also met up with Mike for lunch at a restaurant with food from El Salvador.  Caiden chose Nicaragua as his favorite country from North America and it's my goal to take him out to eat at a restaurant from each continent through this unit.  I couldn't fine a restaurant with food from Nicaragua but El Salvador is pretty close.

Thursday highlights- This was a celebration week at the Res life group.  The kids handed out valentines cards, they played games, and had a bounce house.  Maddy also got fitted for her violin. After we came home we did tea bag rockets for our science experiment.

Friday's highlights- We finished up our Biome unit with a review game today and attended Maddy's school chapel program today.  Her class was leading the worship.  Another great week.


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